Sunday, August 2, 2009

hello istanbul

The old world in the center of Istanbul with the famous historical monuments and magnificent natural scenery, an important megapoldür. Asia and Europe a continent of the narrow sea passage "Bosphorus" and leave at the location, the only city established on two continents. With a date beyond the year 2500 Istanbul, sea and land embrace this strategic region of the following organizations was an important trade center. Three sides of the city of Istanbul on the Marmara Sea, Bosphorus and a half Halic'in wrap takes place on the island. 3 This is the world empires, Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman Turks became the capital, during a period beyond the year 1600 more than 120 of the emperor and the sultan has ruled here. It is the only city in the world this feature.

Development in the process of building walls to the west by the city at a time was 4 times enlargement. Surrounded by walls 5.yy Roman era, built on 7 hills of Istanbul, Turkish masterpiece works of art, here is putting "the crown", the Sultan is decorated with a mosque. Beautiful skyline from every direction, spectacular scenery and peace of mind is a transmitter. Sure is a very natural harbor had played an important role in the development of cities in the Golden Horn. Main access roads to the sea at the intersection of place, it's easy to defend a half-island, ideal climate, rich and generous nature, such as control of the strategic Bosphorus features and geographical location in the center of the world that is Istanbul's fortune. Empire of the capital in the order, the state with religion was also the administrative center, was established Eastern Christianity Patriarchate times until today, the city was based on the Christian world's largest monastery of the church and pagan temple here was on the rise. Following the conquest of Istanbul in a hundred years time, such as works of art in mosques, palaces, schools, public baths, and other city facilities and equipment are brought into the Turkish characters, dilapidated state of some of the existing church will be amending the repair and had converted into a mosque.

Ottoman Sultan as Caliph of the Islamic religion and the first year of the Republic in 1924, up from 16.yy This symbol is in the center of Istanbul. Judaism is in every port city of Istanbul in more sedentary, Türk'lerin the 15 th century Spain and their rescue from the happy, new life style in the city başlamışlardı.İstanbul, mosques, churches and synagogues of the continued existence side by side, a tolerance that has been central. Collapse of the Ottoman Empire in the city, a rich, flashy decorated with a very able work, the influence of European art in the palaces, and the Golden Horn and Galata and Beyoglu districts of the north slope of the European identity had wrapt. In the first world war, which instead of the Empire and the collapse of the young Republic of moving the capital to Ankara, Istanbul's emphasize. 2. Following World War I and in subsequent years starting in 1950 after accelerating to unplanned development affect the fabric of the old city has, unfortunately, no wood is being rapidly all over the place is full of concrete buildings.

Migration from outside the population to explode suffered Istanbul history in a short time beyond the walls of many of the stone walls inside the field of sheltered workshops, factories and work places ridden, angle of the main arteries for traffic solutions, nevertheless, lack of infrastructure due to the pollution of Golden Horn where the first had been. Started in 1980 with recovery moves not seen Istanbul on a restructuring process enters. Thousands of coastal structures in the coastal Haliç condemn generations around the green is long, fill the shores of the Marmara Sea is equipped with its park and gardens. Drainage system was completed, the physical and biological treatment of waste water, and prevents pollution of the sea surrounding the city, air pollution, is now used for natural gas decreased. Restoration of the Roman city wall was started, the life blood of the street with a new angle Beyoðlu been recovered, compared to previous years, general cleaning, maintenance, garbage business has caught the European standards.

Environment paths through the bridge Boğaziçi'ni 2 binding on the continent, the European sides, and finally fast tram to the metro system has become, the sea bus terminal built in coastal and sea transportation is provided speed and comfort. All industrial facilities on the island date halfway out of the city moved to the modern site, the new city and international bus terminal has relieved the traffic intensity. With the city's first large concrete building, the old prison building 5-star hotels are also allocated to tourism. City in the east-west axis along the Marmara coast dynamic growth to continue with all speed, develop.

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