Saturday, August 1, 2009

istanbul shoppingHere

istanbul girl tower , kiz kulesi

istanbul Girl Tower, kız kulesi

The tower was restored in 2000, girls, delicious food and beverages with ziyarteçilerini when converted into a space. Girl Kulesin'de; breakfast, fast food style food as well as in the food service at certain times in entresol get. Girl's sandal made with the tower is the transportation Salacak and Ortaköy.

Price and reservation details, such as phones can be found at

Girl of the tower date:

Was established in the BC Is used as the tomb in 341 year BC Girl Kulesi 410 years to control the entrance of the throat is being used, the chains return to the tower and throat Sarayburnu'ndan connected to the input of the input and output in the ger was so strait is being kept under control. M.Ş. In 1100 the tower was built until the conquest of Istanbul Strait has been used as a tower to defend the name at that time was ARCLA.

After the conquest of Istanbul, the glossiness of the tower was added to the lighthouse is being used to guide ships, but in 1719 the lighthouse in the tower to the fire damage Girl. Time Başmimarı Nevşehir Damat Ibrahim Pasha, with the repairs to the tower is a glass pavilion and a leaden dome edildi.Osmanlı Devleti'nin additional period of decline again used as a fortress before the hospital is used as the Tower of the girl after the war until 1959 the radio station was used as, in 1982 Turkey Maritime Operations taken over by the Girl Tower is now used as restaurant.

Girl Tower Legends:

Girl in the Tower of the legend of the oldest and most famous king of Athens Hares'in daughter to protect the tower has been constructed and placed her daughter is going there full of legends like this is developed in Istanbul in Athens under the reign of the priest in one of the wife just lost the king Hares in the near future, "your daughter by a snake introduction to die" der, on the king Hares sea in the middle of the Girl Tower of ISNA and daughter in this tower to put the legend in different ways to the tower Girl sent out from a basket of snakes into the princess to death, and that most efsanalerden sent to the princess in a common basket of grapes is the snake.

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