Saturday, July 25, 2009

2000 in Istanbul

2000 in Istanbul

"Seventy-five years of the Republic of Turkey" in 1998 a great celebration enthusiasm. Thousands of years of government experience, Türk Ulusu in a short time period of the Republic of winning features of modern life is adopted, in compliance with traditions and customs, with Atatürk's legacy çıkmış, multi-party parliamentary regime on the country and seen the development of the moves have been initiated. The harbor and marina with the beach, city airport with the world, the Turkish industry for ocean vessels, the product was opened to the world market.

Due to the geopolitical importance of the Turkish army is continuously modernized, contemporary youth are being trained with training opportunities. World's leading countries in tourism between Turkey joining the Mediterranean and the luxury hotel has the latest dish. Due to the dam almost every akarsuyuna, energy and great stage in the field of irrigated agriculture have been made. Republic of Turkey in 75 years to win the neighbors in and around the country with border are evident when compared to appear. Istanbul and the importance of share in national development, policy development is the center of just about everything except the right to be. A new century, the environmental regulations to be made, new housing projects, subway expansion, access to more of the sea and the international congress center, such as the scroll is being prepared in large projects. The environmental problems created by giant ships passing through the Straits, international contacts and the solution is waiting.

Cultural activities, tourism and trade will continue importance in urban life. However, population growth, traffic solutions, the irregular structure of matter activity stopped, the remaining wood with housing recover Boğaziçi'ne 3rd transition planning efforts will continue. Permanent maintenance and repair will be carefully protected Roman, Byzantine and Turkish work alongside or shadow of daily life in Istanbul is colorful and moving, this is the Republic of Turkey's 10 million population to 65 million is the most crowded cities. Foreign purchases and sales, the entertainment, culture, education, shopping, tourism and artistic activities is the center of the country. More than half of the city's population live in the European side. Against the Asian settlements and returning the space to their place of business of big crowds and sea vehicles use the bridge.

Each cycle of the most popular stops on the traveler who Istanbul, ports, marina and sea transport, the existing modern airport is being expanded and the 2nd Asian side is made appointment in 2000 of air transport to the port is being prepared. It's a nice coincidence work of the Republic of Turkey 75th anniversary in 1998 for maintenance, repair and preparation of activities in Istanbul in 2000 was the makeup. Sufficient energy, the infrastructure does not have problems, air and sea clean, smooth transportation, traffic complex in term of minimum sufficient number of 5 and 4 star hotels have closed purified date outside the market, many large, modern and comfortable shopping centers and famous in this world of brand stores are a new phenomenon. First Spring, Summer and Late Spring of the dynamic mobility of the crowd after tourism, the residents of Istanbul in the winter, shopping, tours and visits to fashion, a big center to support the sale.

Istanbul rich social, cultural and commercial activities are more colors. Now, besides the Turkish food, taste of the Far East and other palate was getting plenty of restaurants, newly opened, many in the market to fully comfortable cinema showing the latest movies. World famous pop singers filling the stadium and the opera, ballet, theatrical performances to continue year round, seasonal festival of orchestras, choirs, concerts, jazz shows masters boy, music, folklore, theater plays works sellout. Historical location of St. Irene, Rumeli Hisar, the seven-tower, Topkapi Palace courtyard, Gülhane Park near Ataturk Cultural Center, Cemal Resit Rey concert halls, open air and modern theater venue to host the show are on. In 1996, the revised International Convention and Exhibition Palace Lutfu Kırdar has reached almost full capacity.

New and continuing construction of the palace is larger than the Congress. World indoor exhibition area in the very crowded extent of the activities have continuously visited the location. Here is at the heart of the Turkish press. Moved outside the city, such as printing a newspaper, the new university campus, as is done in large complexes, universities, government and private hospitals are meeting high standards and are able to provide international services. Night life in Istanbul, enough for seven clubs, musical restaurants, disco, bar and pavilion are available. Night clubs teams and some folk dancing performances are made. Open-air venue in the summer months by increasing the number previous to the club, restaurant and disco on the weekends in particular are too crowded.

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