Monday, July 27, 2009

Adalar - Islands


ADALAR It belongs to the Byzantine history of Istanbul before the island is very little information. These authors work in ancient times as Thimkus Artemiones sources Islands are located in the West, where many are experiencing the tragedy. Byzantine historian of the monastery started to talk to but from 8.yy. When Latinos come to Istanbul (1204), the dukes of Venice Dandola, Latin and Islands has been provoked to plunder.

However, Latinos did not attack the island. Islands, and Crete 1302'de Eğriboz has been attacked by pirates. Development of the island of Turks, the Byzantine emperor Manuel Paleologos period of occurrence. Musa Çelebi between the Emperor Manuel Yassıada 1412'de yapılan sea battle near the affected Islands.

Approximately one and a half months before the conquest of Istanbul, Fatih Sultan Mehmet during the siege of the city, 17 April 1453 Baltaoğlu Süleyman Bey, was seized Islands. Gustav Schlumberger, tragic history of the Islands, held his wife in terms of natural beauty that is likened to the history Capri'nin. Interpretation of the tragic history of the islands Reşat Ekrem Koç is interesting and striking. "The islands, rich history with pictures of a natural structure has haran. Each step of the trace of a date can be found in the twenty centuries.

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