Wednesday, July 29, 2009

istanbul history - sightseeing

istanbul history & sightseeing


Istanbul is an old city, you can see the remains of many ancient civilizations and their culture in harmony with Turkish culture. The old versus the new, the traditional versus the modern is a conflict a visitor often observes. The city is full of contrasts, and colorful views, Where the blowing winds from the seven peaks of Anatolian Olympos merge into each other... Where Amazon's cooled their bodies in the waves that break apart from the Black Sea and roll mightily against the shore ... Where love is symbolized in the Tower of Leandros ... Where stand the rocks of Symplegad that brought nightmares to the Argonauts ... Built on seven hills on Asia and Europe ... Capital of three empires ... Where romance and traffic jam go hand in hand ... Lively and exciting ... A world metropolis ... That is Istanbul ... Would you like us to guide you through this legendary city? For the ones who live here, for the occasional visitors and for those of you who are entering it for the first time - whichever aspect of this city you want to experience, we will help you to reach it easily.

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